Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SweetHearts Day

We are getting ready for Valentines Day here. The kids are filling out their cards for our co-op on Friday. I remember this fondly from being a kid. It was always so much fun to decorate your brown bag in school in preparation for the cards. Then walking around the desks in the classroom dropping them in to the bags, I loved it! I would look at the cards over and over. You know what I miss?! The little envelopes that they use to have to put them in. They don't make them like that anymore. I have even worked it into a school lesson with copy work for Keegan. He is having to practice writing everyones name and writing small enough to make it fit. We have 17 kids in our little group and he is only a quarter of the way through. Good thing we have a few more days.

What else on the agenda?! I am trying to put together a Valentines Day Couples Fondue for Sunday night. Three courses with a salad between the cheese and broth. You know how in your mind it looks like something out of Martha S. but in reality it won't even be close, one can dream right?!

1 comment:

angie said...

It was a wonderful night Lisa! We had a blast.