Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye.......

Another Shasta Compact.

I just bought this beauty for my dad. I found it while looking at houses one day and forgot about it. It was brought to mind the other day when I saw a photo of one just like it. So after church on Sunday I told the kids we were going for a ride. Sure enough it was still sitting there so I thought what the heck I'll ask them if they would want to sell it, what would it hurt?! They said sure how bout $100. I said"Sold!" And then we looked inside.........

So dad is coming down this weekend to pick it up and take it home. I have no worries about how it will look when he is done. Look at what he did to the lil' Lemondrop!!


Seawashed said...

Oh my goodness that is a steal...even if it is a mess inside. Your daddy will have it in tip top shape in no time. Then you can all go trailer traveling(or tramping as jAne at Tickleberry Farm refers to it) together with your Shasta's.

ain't for city gals said...

Oh my gosh..$100....that is the way to find them!!! I would love to find a Shasta Comapact...It is so much better to completely gut them out and then start all over...then you know what you have. Looking forward to seeing the end result ....

Girl Tornado said...

$100?! Wow, girl, what a bargain. And I'm sure your dad will make it every bit as beautiful as your Lemondrop. :)

Thanks for coming by my blog... you have 3 very beautiful children. How blessed you are indeed!