Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wedding Date With The Mr.

Last night the Mr and I went to a lovely wedding. It was a perfect night for it. The details were so cute. Sadly I was only able to photograph a few, since my new replacement camera doesn't let me old SD card hold as many photos. We had a great time. I danced my butt off in heels that weren't made for dancing, but anything for style right?!
* getting ready to leave
*sending off butterflies as they walked down the aisle (do you see the hay bales? that is what we sat on)
*The spunky bride in her short in the front long in the back dress and blue satin shoes
*cupcakes instead of cake. I am bummed cause I was so busy dancing I forgot to get one :(
*Mason jar mugs that held our beverages all night and where then taken home as a gift. Mine might become my new favorite Southern Sweet Tea glass.

*wanted to show a photo of my dancing shoes...and the fact that my neighbor had a wedding on the exact same night, just a different venue. We were joking that it looked like we were ready for prom ;)


Simple Home said...

You and your hubby look so cute. We've gotten where we make cupcakes for birthdays now, and it sounds like a great idea for a wedding.
I have a bunch of those mason glasses too, and I drink sweet tea from them. They're my favorite glasses!

Belle said...

You look gorgeous in that dress. Loved the cupcake table.

Lisa said...

Thank you ladies!!! I love to get dressed up, it doesn't happen very often...

Renee said...

Love the dress Lisa - and the shoes are super cute too!