So now that I have the two older kids in school daytime life has shifted a bit. The time I am having with Tripp has been great. He is a different kid without his brother and sister around. I am enjoying finding his personality, something I was missing out on when the other two were home and needing so much of my attention.
One of my missions while the kids are at school is getting my house back in manageable order. Taking care of things that have been neglected while my focus was so much on the kids. I want to become a housewife/mom again that has somewhat of a grip on the house and daily life/routine. I had lost that somewhere along the way. I had become lazy. It was my own fault. I am okay with this.
Now onto the project that all this "extra" time has allowed for. Below are pictures of the toy room, also known in this house as a FROG (free room over garage). This room once served as the school room when we first started homeschooling, but I quickly discovered that being upstairs for a chunk of the day was not conducive of getting much downstairs work done. In the beginning of spring I ripped out the construction grade carpet that was here when we bought the house 5 years ago. It smelled BAD. I painted the subfloor to help seal out the odor and make it look okay until we could decide what to do with it. Well I have finally figured out what I want done with this room off the upstairs bedrooms/and bath. I am turning it into a room for me!

My goals for this room are:
*to stick to a budget 200-300 dollars max (not including the carpet which is off the roll at HD)
*have a comfy place to sit/relax
*still have a place for some of the kids toys
*move all my crafting/sewing supplies to this room instead of downstairs in the laundry room.
When my Mr is gone away for work I often sit on my bed to watch TV. Being alone downstairs just seems too, well, lonely. So I want a place that has me close to the kids even if they are sleeping and still close enough to my room without being in it.
Wish me luck. I am going to post as the changes start to happen. All the while I will also be plugging away at getting the rest of the house organized again.